Volunteers Needed for ARC!

Volunteers Needed for ARC!

Our community looks great, the clubhouse is clean, the parties are fun, etc., because we have residents willing to help us all out by giving a little time to make them so. Every hour we help is an hour we don't pay someone else to work or we don't forfeit for lack of an extra pair of hands. A description of the role of each of our standing committees can be found if you scroll over to our About page and look for the tab to Volunteers page. Or click here. 

Our immediate need is for members of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). They will meet the second Wednesday of each month, as needed, to review Applications for improvements to homeowner properties or to discuss possible violations of the ARC Guidelines (available under the Documents tab or here.

Our community is best served when we have members from each of the Villages - Kensington, Oxford, Cambridge, and Somerset - to represent their neighborhoods. Please consider checking out this Committee. You can contact the 2022 Chair, Chuck Speigner, for more information, or just come to the next meeting at the Clubhouse.