HOA Board Elections 2023 (for 2024-2025-2026 terms)

HOA Board Elections 2023 (for 2024-2025-2026 terms)

Nominations are now open for election to a position on the Board of Directors for our Homeowners Association. The election will be held at the Annual Meeting on December 12, 2023. The Nominating Committee is chaired by the immediate past president of our Board, who is Pat Duggan, the current vice president of the Board. An Application form can be found here. Appl for Board 2023 election

To be eligible for a  Board position, the applicant must be a homeowner in good standing (meaning dues must be current and no outstanding ARC violations). The term is for three (3) years, starting upon the conclusion of the Annual Meeting on December 12, and concluding at the Annual Meeting in December 2026.  Each Board member is the liaison to one committee, and often serves as the Chair of that committee. Board meetings are held in January, March, May, July, September, and November, with an additional working (non-voting) meeting in October, and then the Annual Meeting in December.

To keep our dues low, we rely on volunteers to serve on the Board and on various committees. For all tasks that are not (or cannot be) performed by our residents/volunteers, we have to pay contractors, which increases our budget. Your help in keeping our community a great place to live is necessary and appreciated.

If you have questions about Board service, you can contact Pat at [email protected], or come to a Board meeting.