2023 Annual Meeting Results

2023 Annual Meeting Results

The rest of the website will be updated in a few days. But here is the great news from last night's Annual Meeting of Homeowners. Two new members were elected to the Board of Directors: Jim McMillan and Gary Griffith. Jim has previously served on the Communications Committee, and Gary has served on the Ground Committee. WELCOME!! Their terms are for 3 years, so you will be seeing quite a bit of them. We said good-bye to two members: Charlene Sheets, Secretary and chair of the Grounds Committee, and Pat Duggan, Vice President and Immediate Past President, and chair of the Communications Committee. Thanks for your contributions to our Villages!

An organizational meeting was held immediately following the Annual Meeting. The following officers were elected for 2024:

PRESIDENT: Kelly Coronel

VICE PRESIDENT: Chuck Speigner

SECRETARY: Gary Griffith

TREASURER: Raymond Gdovic


Also, the resolution to move any unexpended income from 2023 into our Operating Contingency Account for future anticipated expenses such as erosion mitigation passed unanimously.

The first meeting of the new year will be Wednesday, January 24. A schedule of all 2024 Board meetings will be posted soon. Also, mark your calendars for the Annual Meeting to be held Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at the JCC Library on Croaker Road.

Watch for more details in the coming weeks!