Update on Opening Our Community Pool

Update on Opening Our Community Pool

Yesterday (July 2), per a special by the Villages of Westminster Homeowners Association Board of Directors, it was decided that our community pool will open as soon as at least 20 volunteers are signed up to help with COVID-19 mandates. In an effort to streamline the supporting process for pool deck volunteers, we’ve created a digital sign-up with 90 minute shifts. You can click here to sign up or you can notify us through the Contact page here on our website.

Volunteer signup for week one — Monday, July 6 through Sunday, July 12 — is available now. If this approach seems to work well, we’ll build out the rest of the summer. Please note that a pool deck volunteer is required for the pool to remain open. If a volunteer is not scheduled or does not arrive for their shift, the lifeguard will be instructed to clear the pool deck and close the pool until another volunteer arrives.

Duties will be explained in email to volunteers, but consist primarily of making sure we have a waiver on file for each party, confirming everyone on the pool deck has completed a daily attestation to be symptom free, and periodically cleaning surfaces.

If there is not a volunteer scheduled or a volunteer doesn’t show up for their shift, all guests will be asked to leave the pool deck and the pool will close until the next shift with a volunteer. We understand this create additional work for us as a neighborhood, but — pandemic. Let’s come together as a community and volunteer small amounts of time for our neighbors.