BOD Meeting Minutes

The minutes for the May 15, 2024 HOA Board Meeting are linked below. HOA Board 5-15-24
The Minutes of the January 2024 Board of Directors meeting were approved at the March meeting. You can access them here. BOD January 2024 Minutes
Here are the approved Minutes of the November 2023 Board of Directors meeting VaW November 15, 2023 Minutes
The rest of the website will be updated in a few days. But here is the great news from last night's Annual Meeting of Homeowners. Two new members were elected […]
Here are the Jul 26, 2023 Board Meeting minutes Villages at Westminster July 26, 2023
Minutes of the September 27, 2023 Board Meeting can be found here. BOD September 27, 2023-2 (2)
Here are the approved Minutes of the May 17, 2023 meeting of the Board of Directors. Villages at Westminster (Revised) May 17, 2023-2
Here are the approved Minutes from the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held September 28, 2022 VaW September 28, 2022 Minutes
An officer of the Board of Directors is elected by the Board each year. So that there is no gap between the conclusion of the Annual Meeting at which Board […]
Here is the final (approved) Minutes of the July 27, 2022 Board of Directors meeting. VAW Board Meeting Minutes July 27,2022-2
The Minutes of the Board meeting held March 21, 2022, are now available here. HOA Board Meeting March 21,2022
Here are the finalized Minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 18, 2022. HOA MEETING MAY18,2022
The final Minutes of the January 26, 2022 Board meeting are available here. BOD Meeting January26, 2022
The Minutes of the Organizational Meeting held December 13, 2021 were approved at the Board meeting on January 26, 2022. The Minutes can be found here. 2021 Org Meeting Minutes
Here are the Minutes of the first regular meeting of the Board for 2021. The reports are not attached. A full set will be uploaded when it is available.  BOD […]