BOD Meeting Minutes

This version has been approved electronically by the members of the Board, but it does not have the reports included. A revised version with reports will be uploaded when it […]
DRAFT VOW HOA Annual Meeting Minutes 2020 are now available here. These will be voted on at the 2021 Annual Meeting by the full membership.
BOD Minutes Nov 18, 2020;  approved
Approved minutes from the July 22nd, 2020 Board of Directors meeting.   Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 7-22-20
In light of a strong response to our announcements earlier this week about our need for volunteers, the Board has revisited the community's pool closure status. By unanimous vote today […]
The meeting was help electronically via GoToMeeting and was called to order at 7:09 pm. BOD members present: Pat Duggan, Kelly Coronel, Ray Gdovic, Jeannette Potter and Mark Patton. Other […]
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 by President Pat Duggan. BOD Members in attendance: Kelly Coronel, Ray Gdovic, Jeannette Potter, and Mark Patton Ground Rules for ZOOM meeting […]
Annual HOA Meeting Minutes 2019
Special Meeting Minutes April 2019
Meeting Minutes March 2019