
At the November 15 Board meeting, the Budget for 2024 was discussed and approved. VAW Budget 2024 - Final It will be mailed to all homeowners in the coming week. You'll […]
After a working meeting in October, the Board adopted a budget for 2023 at its regular Board meeting held on November 16. The budget increases homeowner dues by 10% next […]
The Board approved the  HOA Budget for 2022; it can be found here. Copies were mailed to all homeowners, along with an overview letter, the Collections Guidelines, and information about […]
This is a printout of a dynamic reserve analysis that will change over time. The analysis is made up of information sheets and spreadsheets, whose contents may change each time […]
The Board of Directors will be meeting online for a work session review of the draft reserve study on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.. All members of the […]
Meeting Minutes October 2018 Budget Meeting
2017 Budget Planning Minutes_20161026_Final
October 2012 Budget Planning Minutes