
Use of the RV & Boat Storage Lot located with VaW requires an application every year. The 2022 Application is attached. RV & BOAT LOT Application 2022
The Board approved the  HOA Budget for 2022; it can be found here. Copies were mailed to all homeowners, along with an overview letter, the Collections Guidelines, and information about […]
The Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 17, has been MOVED to Monday, November 22, at 7 pm, at the Clubhouse. Here is the agenda: VaW Meeting Agenda November 22, […]
The last regular Board meeting of the year will be held AT THE CLUBHOUSE on Wednesday, Nov 17, 2021. The agenda can be found here Nov 2021 Board Meeting Agenda.
This document was mailed by regular post office mail to all VOW Homeowners, and it is also being emailed to residents who are on our mailing list. It is 7 […]
Here are the Minutes of the first regular meeting of the Board for 2021. The reports are not attached. A full set will be uploaded when it is available.  BOD […]
This version has been approved electronically by the members of the Board, but it does not have the reports included. A revised version with reports will be uploaded when it […]
The Board of Directors will meet via Zoom on Wednesday, May 12, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Please check your email for the link. The agenda has been revised to add […]
The next 2021 regular meeting of the Board of Directors will convene at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. Due to continuing restrictions on in-person gatherings, the meeting will […]
DRAFT VOW HOA Annual Meeting Minutes 2020 are now available here. These will be voted on at the 2021 Annual Meeting by the full membership.
BOD Minutes Nov 18, 2020;  approved
The first 2021 regular meeting of the Board of Directors will convene at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, January 27, 2021. Due to continuing restrictions on in-person gatherings, the meeting will […]
If you won't be attending the Annual Meeting this year, it's important that you submit a proxy form so that we can record a quorum. You ought to have received […]
Villages of Westminster Annual HOA Meeting will take place on Monday, December 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held via Zoom and attendees will need to preregister. […]