Villages of Westminster HOA Special BOD Meeting April 29, 2020

Villages of Westminster HOA Special BOD Meeting April 29, 2020

The meeting was help electronically via GoToMeeting and was called to order at 7:09 pm.

BOD members present: Pat Duggan, Kelly Coronel, Ray Gdovic, Jeannette Potter and Mark Patton.

Other attendees: Diane Clarcq from Berkeley, Ed Tennermann and Roy Kalista from
Design/Management Associates Inc. (DMA) , Jack Hostetter from the Grounds Committee and other residents from VOW.

DMA was contracted to conduct our 2020 Reserve Study. The purpose of this meeting was to review the draft report, ask questions and address concerns. It was noted that unless dates were given to DMA for installation or replacement of items, 1998 would be noted (which is the date VOW was established). Some dates in the draft were corrected in the meeting.

DMA projected replacement dates and costs for HOA property including clubhouse and pool, appliances and pool equipment, lighting, storm drains, pond maintenance items, irrigation equipment, signs, parking lots, fencing, furniture, etc.. The cost of landscaping was not included in the report.

It was recommended by DMA that we increase the amount we contribute to the Replacement Reserve
account. This account contains money set aside every year to maintain each component for which the HOA is responsible.

DMA advised against special assessments to maintain existing property and should only be used for the initial cost of capital improvement projects. They suggested unused funds at the end of the year be placed in the Replacement Reserve account.

The BOD will be researching when work was done to adjust report dates in order to have the best possible prediction of upcoming budget demands. The dates will be given to DMA and a revised draft will be sent.

Since our next BOD meeting will be held on May 27, a deadline of June 1 was set to send revisions to DMA.

The meeting was adjourned around 8:35 pm.

Villages of Westminster HOA Special BOD Meeting April 29