Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 25, 2020

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 25, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 by President Pat Duggan.

BOD Members in attendance: Kelly Coronel, Ray Gdovic, Jeannette Potter, and Mark Patton

Ground Rules for ZOOM meeting given by Pat Duggan:

  1.  Since our HOA does not have its own video conferencing account and we do not have an internet connection at the clubhouse. Pat set up the meeting using  a personal account. If it looks like this format for meeting may be necessary or desirable in the future, then we can see about purchasing a subscription that committees could use as well as the Board. 
  2. For now, the free version limited us to a 40 minute connection. This means the agenda was strictly limited to a few topics. All committee reports will be submitted in writing and posted on our website instead of being presented and opened for discussion. Action items requested by any committee will be discussed at a future date. 
  3. The Agenda was posted on our website earlier today. I do have one item to add to the agenda.  Under Old  Business, we need to quickly talk about and take action on the Financial Review for last year and 2018.

            Consent was given to add to the agenda.


Officer Reports:


SecretaryMinutes for the January meeting had been previously emailed to the BOD and were accepted as written. They will be posted on the VOW website.

Treasurer – deferred due to the fact that no reports were available from Berkeley 

Committee Reports ;

All committee reports will be submitted in writing and posted.

Property Manager’s Report – deferred

Old Business:

  1.  Reserve Study report – deferred
  2. Striping bids for clubhouse parking lot – none have been received
  3. Trash program update – residents who wish to continue service with County Waste and did not receive a letter from them need to call to set up an account
  4. Financial reviews-  Financial reviews for 2018 and 2019 need to be done. 
  5. Association Management Contract – moved to Executive Session

Action by BOD: It was moved by Kelly and seconded by Ray that we accept the bid of $3,800 for the review of both 2018 and 2019.

New Business:

COVID – 19 impact on VOW:

  1. The clubhouse has been sanitized and will not be used for the month of April.  Pat will adjust the dates available after that based on the Governor’s guidelines.
  2. The spring yard sale, dumpster and Easter Egg hunt are cancelled.
  3. Pool pump repairs will be postponed until April.  Pool opening will depend on guidelines from Governor.

Homeowner’s Comment Period:

  1. It was suggested that due to the COVID -19 impact on the economy, the BOD consider adjusting the budget.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40.

Executive Session was called to order at 7:45 and adjourned at 8:10

Action by BOD: It was moved by Kelly and seconded by Mark to accept the revised contract from Berkeley.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes3.25.20