UPDATE: The VOW Pool Will Be Opening (Required Documents)

UPDATE: The VOW Pool Will Be Opening (Required Documents)

In light of a strong response to our announcements earlier this week about our need for volunteers, the Board has revisited the community's pool closure status. By unanimous vote today (July 4), the Board is opening the pool for regular swim on Monday, July 6, at 10:00 a.m. Thanks to all those who stepped up to make this possible now.

Please review the Pool Rules 2020 and the Pool Covid Mgt Plan, as well as the Covid screening form and Pool Waiver Release, both of which are required for entrance to the pool. And don't forget - you must use your electronic key pass to get in this year. A few replacement keys will be available for purchase at the pool for $25 if you have lost yours, but we only have a dozen or so until the next order arrives.

This "action taken without a meeting" is pursuant to Article IV, Section 5, of the VOW Bylaws, which states: "the directors shall have the right to take any action in the absence of a meeting which they could take at a meeting by obtaining the written approval of all the directors. Any action so approved shall have the same effect as though taken at the meeting of directors."

A few highlights you need to be aware of:

  • All people, including children, wanting to use the pool are required to submit to COVID-19 screening, which they can do by completing a Screening Form available on our website or at the pool. You can save time by filling it out at home and bringing it with you. Electronic submission is not offered. This form is required each day of pool use.
  • All people wanting to use the pool are also required to sign a Pool Waiver. Parents will complete a form for each child. The form is available on the website, and will also be available at the pool. Again, you can fill out at home and bring with you to the pool. Electronic submission is not offered. One form will be sufficient for the entire season.
  • Occupant capacity of the pool area is going to be around 50 people, dependent upon same household and non-household distancing requirements. If it becomes problematic that people have to wait in line, please know that we are already checking out an option for a reservation system.
  • As mentioned above, the Pool Rules and the Management Plan for how the Board will handle the pool season during the COVID-19 pandemic are on the website. New this year: you need to bring (and take) your own chair; no guests are allowed this year; no toys, balls, floatation devices are allowed; physical distance of 10' is required between non-household members. Be sure to check out the full set of Pool Rules and the Plan.

Thanks to all the members of our community who have supported the Board during our delayed opening this year, as we have all worked our way through the Governor's requirements. Volunteers will be needed throughout the season to keep the pool open. You can sign up here.

We are looking forward to enjoying the pool along with you!